Thursday, May 29, 2008

Test Drive

So, now that I have a new place to talk about photography, I suppose I should see how uploading pictures works.

This is a picture from a wedding reception that I was at recently. I uploaded a 320x200 version here to see how it looks.

It looks pretty good, I suppose. I have always been fascinated by long exposure night photography. The whole world looks different at night. Something really fascinating to see are photographs taken at night during a full moon. Since moonlight is nothing more than reflected sunlight, the colors come out just about like daytime, but with a subtle shift that makes everything look slightly otherworldly.

In most cases a good tripod is all you need. In the above picture it was just a rock ledge and a little rotation in post. If you want to minimize camera shake when you hit the shutter, try using the self timer. Most modern digital cameras have one, and long exposures are rarely time critical; you can wait the 10 seconds before the shutter actually opens.

(Photo details: Nikon D200, Nikon 18-200 VR lens, 10 sec, f8, ISO 100, raw processed with BibblePro)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Beginning

With a tiny bit of luck, this will be where I will discuss one of mankind's most noble pursuits; photography.

I have a blog elsewhere where I discuss totally random stuff (sometimes) but I really wanted to find a place where I can just ramble about my favorite hobby, post pictures, and wildly speculate about the future of the industry.